had youth reunion steamboat dinner just now.was not bad. enjoyed alot.i cooked some of da left over foods.so my cooking skill is not bad one ehh..all thanks to enuice whose always guide me along when i was cooking.lol.
i was trying out da foods that i cooked.hehs.absolute delicious man.=P
Happy New Year!!!new year makes me think of FC.da time we spend togather with him during 1st day of cny. watch firework and more.im really misses it. how i wish we can go out together again during cny.but i think is impossible alrdy. MOVE ON man!.going go church later in da morning. 8am!.hope i wont be late! lol. think must get up ard 6am!.lol.once again happy new year! chao~
when i was listening to "hao xiang hao xiang" last mid-night.out of da sunddenly i miss you.
my lil-pony-tail.
eman and me.i look lyk shit lor!. my stupid hair! ):
walao...i'm so hate da weather now lor!rain and rain! spoilt my mood from going out.where is da sun?!!! i miss da sun man!. damn it!.da weather now is feaking COLD!. cant stand it~
screw da weather man!.
stayed at home home yday for da whole day!.bored bored bored!!.well, maybe going out later to town with jialin and ms clara.but i'm quite lazy now. cos of da rain. dont want to get wet.maybe going out tml with shawn to fareast to get his shirt from image 2001? not confirmed yet.i wanna buy more clothes ehh..i wanna get big bucket! hahas.. jacket? and many many more chothes~. hahas.anyway going to go now to meet them.bye (:
watched family stone with mag and charm today.hmmm... da movie was alright yaa.charm lyk it. but i'm so so only. just that got no much meaning ehh.perhaps i'm tired yaa. nearly fall asleep. and have to ask charm to bite me to wake me up. hahas. crazy siaa. :P
went to kallang indoor stadium there today.had crossed over activity for da youth.my group prepared . was alright. just that da stupid rain lar.my goals for this year:-punctuality.[wanna be punctual.]- my Os. [wanna pass and do well so that i can glorify God with my results and to be a good testimony.]-lose weight.[wanna lose weight. but not diet. hahas. ]i know i can do it in God who give me strength (:0)
whoaa...so long never blog alrdy.is a NEW YEAR!.well, time passed so fast.and i'm gonna take Os this year.it will be a tough and scary year for me.in fact i dont want da new year to come.cos i have to face da Os. scary scary.well, these few day had been a fruitfull days for me!.hahas.New Year's Evecelebrated new year with my church's darlings.hehs.was great! hmmm... loves them loads.da firework is so damn nice siaa.viewed from da Memorial Hall.cos esplanade were too many pples.New Year Day
went to JJ's hse for christmas/new year party.hahas.was not bad.enjoyed.stayed overnight there.slept at ard 5am in da morning then woke up ard 1130 in da morning.slept at JJ's room!. they slept at da bed! me? on da floor lor.wad kind of fren!.hahas.. and stupid laysheng said that will accompany me sleep at da sofa's living room. then in da end, when i fall asleep then went to JJ's room and sleep with them. *screw him arhh* when laysheng left, i woke up like less than 5 mins. then went to sleep in JJ's room da FLOOR. hehs.anyway its okays. i had a very good night sleep. ((: