Wednesday, July 27, 2005

todae was okays okays yaa..
i woke up damn early can.lols.
met ms jas at amk mrt at 8.40am b4 going to sch.
cos i oways late for her lesson so she wanted mie to meet her to go together yaa.
i'm EARLY man. is REALI EARLY yaa..even meeting ms jas.i was early yaaa.. reached mrt at 8.40am just on time yaa.. but she was late yaa..lolss..
she must be very honoured tht i'm early yaa..cos normally i oways late even if i meet my frens yaa..lolss...

todae da teachers did encouraged mie yaa..
ms jas told mie alot yaa..oways be there to encourage mie yaa.lurve her yaa.she is my FAV TEACHER my blessing to have her as my teacher yaa...hees.. ((:
and to dae ms jas showed da class an article yaa..
its said abt a blind lady 27yrs old now can actually make it to da NUS even higher MATHS.greatest than da honor and da degree...its so unbelievable!.. its her determination tht made her can do it.!
tht mean that we all oso can do it yaa.. dont lose heart yaa ((:

and todae....
mr kenny suddenly said tht i become 'clever' alrdy physic got improve yaa...
then i was very humble tht said NO yaa.... i dont know arhh.....lolss..

youu know...i'm actually veri happry to hear tht.
its did encouraged miee yaa..... really...

just got da ticket from colin for sonicfest yaa.. reali cant wait yaa..
lolss... but da ticket very expensive nehss....but nvm yaa... i know i wont regret yaa..lolss...

going to go to SHSS to help ps diana to set up da stall yaa... can read and read da books yaa..lols
i'm working!.lolss...
then after tht must rush down to sch yaa for 3pm lesson yaa....
den after that must go down to fort canning for sonicfest yaa!!!ohyeahh....
will be super tired toml lor.lols...

gtg now alrdy.
will blog more yaa..
gtg to joy's hse to do da borad yaa....

god bless my daesss.......
