my dear joy... thanks for ur encouragement.
never think that ur encouragement for me is nothing.
you never know, maybe ur encouragement can changed my life or other thing?
Amy... thanks for ur words!!
really very touched...
I believe that, God send you to tell me all this!!
I will rem in my heart what u had says to me...
This is what amy says to me.
Hope its oso will encourage you~ =)
If there is one person that loves you the most in the world.
It is not ur friends, ur bf/gf, ur cousin, aunts, ur church members or ur parents.
Its is God!!
and its through this people that He ministers his love sometimes...
and if this people let you down just know that God's still in touch with ur life.
there is no one like Him and there will never be.
People may give up on you and say so many stuff and make u feel down.
but God will never let you go no matter how far you want to run.
He is like the wind that will blow through the eagles just to get a hold of your hand that ran away from him.
after all He chose you.
not you chose him.
do not despise urself when God heart is still beating beat after beat for ur love back to his heart.
and no matter how far you run.
He is still in touch.
dont feel like u are not better than anyone.
the reason he placed u is because he sees himself with you in it.
so dun try to do things your way.
ask him to partner with u and make ur work for him speak in his name all in all.
i believe that’s what God wants to tell you today.
So keep it in your heart and never fly it away.
Jesus loves you better, bigger and forever.
ur friends are just his instruments they are not your life givers.
and you are beautiful the way you are.
dont feel ugly.
you are beautiful the way you are.
you have a gentleness of his touch.
so do not despise!
Jesus knows you even before you came to baby
He marked you and chose you even before you saw him
would God let you go just like that because you feel you are not good enough to serve his call?
if you allow him, he can use you into something even bigger than ur mind can comprehend.
it just take you to be willing to make his kingdom be known.
that's what its all about "Lifting Jesus name on high".
if you ask,
He will even anoint that lips of yours.
Nothing is impossible with God.
sing you shall sing.
touch you shall touch.
dance you shall dance.
just ask and according to his perfect will.
He will give his heart for you and place you in places to be formed into his beautiful light
do not despise!!
you never know what is in your savior’s heart until you search it deep enough.
Better in one day in his house than an thousand else where.
Do not forget his touch!
Do not forget your first times with the Lord!
those are precious thoughts.
God is alive!!
He is not just a passer by...
//*luv ya.luv me.luv urself.luv ur enemy.luv parent.luv friends.luv god & he luv ya too*//
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